Warren’s obsession with making beer started in 1998 when he bought an apartment and had his first mortgage. Seeking a way to enjoy beer without the expense of visiting a pub, he bought a book, cobbled together some inexpensive equipment and started all-grain home brewing.
“I first became interested in non-mainstream beer while still in high school. A friend’s father was buying imported English ales from where he
grew up and he let me try them. I was instantly intrigued by this product that was so very different from the pale yellow, fizzy, tasteless beers that
my parents had in the house!”
At that time, it wasn’t like it is today. Equipment and ingredients
were few and far between, so Warren needed to make regular trips
to Annacis Island to get his supplies. He learned about the
Great Canadian Beer Festival, and he and a friend thought it
would be interesting to travel to Victoria to experience what the
brewing community was producing.
On the way, they realized they’d forgotten the tickets. In a scramble
to get in the doors, they made a deal. The Security Guard said,
“We’ll let you in, but you need to pay for an association membership
to the Campaign for Real Ale.” Warren made the deal and believes,
“it changed my life.”
A few years later, Warren was appointed as President of the Campaign for Real Ale in Vancouver and then became an Executive of its umbrella organization. He served in an official capacity during the day, while tinkering with homebrews at night, honing his skills until he was entering and winning homebrew contests consistently.
Making the most of his prizes, Warren was given invaluable access to professional brewers, including sessions with DIX BBQ, Big Ridge, Mission Springs, Parallel 49 and Old Abbey, which taught him about brewing commercially.
Fast-forward to 2015 and Warren began teaching others how to homebrew, which is something he continues today. He had his first professional stint at Foamers Folly, during which time he produced two BC Brewing Award winning beers. Then, he joined the Two Wolves Brewing team in late 2016.
Today, Warren wears many hats. In addition to being an award-winning homebrewer, he’s the Head Brewer of Two Wolves Brewing, is a BJCP Certified Beer Judge and a regular contributor for What’s Brewing magazine.
In case you’re wondering, he’s still homebrewing in his spare time. He says, “There’s always an opportunity to better yourself and your peers by sharing what you know. I want to create the best versions of traditional beers possible —and that’s not something that can be achieved if you sit still.”